Monday, December 18, 2006

Kenya's Sasini Announces Bonus & Split


Kenya’s Sasini Tea & Coffee has resolved the following per their announcement:

  • 1:5 Share Bonus
  • 5:1 Share Split

This will equate to 1 "old" share equalling 6 "new" shares after both the shareholders & CMA approve the resolutions.

Tea prices have been firmer in 2006 vs. 2005 but the KShs has gained vs. the US$ which remains the primary currency for Tea sales.

Coffee prices are substantially higher in 2006 vs 2005 but there has been a smaller harvest due to drought earlier in 2006.

Sasini has launched its own brand of Tea into the local market while they can now sell coffee through a second window i.e. directly to Buyers without having to go through the auction.

The Year End Results (30 Sep 2006) are not available at the moment.



Stock splits happen now and than

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